Monday, September 7, 2009

Liam is 21 Months

Liam's verbal skills have exploded over the last month or so.  He is saying so many new words, it's hard to keep track of them all.  We will ask him to say a word, and he will say them back to us.  He is learning to count, and learning his colors too!  He's starting to put words together also, like if he wants his shoes or socks off, he will say 'no shoe' or 'no sock'.  Also, if he hears someone fart, he will say 'No Fart''s sooo funny!  He's been doing a lot of cute things too.  When he takes a sip of a drink, he will say 'Ahhhhh' in a refreshing way.  Another thing he picked up that we didn't realize we did was if someone burps, we say 'Nice', and now when he burps, he will look at us and say 'Nice'!  So funny!  He will pat his back if he's coughing.  He had a scratch on his knee, and he would point to his knee, and say 'boo boo'.  After it healed, if we asked him where his boo boo was, he would say 'Boo boo all gone', and he would do the sign for all gone too.  He would fill his cheeks with air a bit when he said 'boo boo', so the word came out with some pressure.  I just love how he says it, so I ask him all the time where his boo boo went.  He also has started to say 'Hi' a lot...he knew 'Bye' pretty well, but now associates seeing someone, and saying 'Hi'.  And then sometimes he will follow it up with 'Sup' (for what's up?)  which I realized that I say ALL the time after he started saying it.  He likes doors to be closed, so if he can he will say 'close' and then close it himself, or he will point to the door and say 'close'.  We are still working on the word open...he will smile and look at me, and open his mouth in the 'O' shape, but hasn't said it yet.  We had to put a safety lock on our playroom door, and he makes sure that we lock it.  If he thinks it's unlocked, he will go to it, and say 'Fix'.  He has a book about Elmo's Puppies and he loves when I read it to him at night.  There is a part where it says 'What is Elmo Thinking about'...'That's right Puppies', and I will pause and he will shout 'Puppies!', then later in the book it will say 'Shhhhh' Puppies need their sleep....' and he will put his finger up to his mouth and say 'Shhhhh', it's sooo cute!  A couple of scary things that he did this month was one he stuck a black bean up his nose.  Thankfully, Mike was able to get it out in one piece...and the other is he is really close to climbing out of his crib, so we are going to try to transition him to a toddler bed pretty soon.  We are just finishing up getting his new room ready for him.  It seems he really knows who we are now.  He will call us 'Mama's' or 'Dada's', and has recently has said 'Daddy' too.  He will see a picture of us and if we ask who it is, he can tell who is who.  We just can't believe how much he has changed in the last month, and we are pretty excited about the fact that he's learning so many new words.  It just makes things so much easier when we can communicate with him!

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