Sunday, November 7, 2010

Liam: 2 yrs. 11 mo.

Wow, this is the last update on Liam before he turns 3 years old?!?!  Congrats to us, we have survived our first round of the 'Terrible Two's'. Liam continues to grow and change on a daily basis.  He is really loving school now, and is even excited to go and see his teacher and friends.  He has started to lecture us on things we have lectured him about.  For example, we have had some mice sneak into the house, and we have told him not to touch the traps because he could get hurt.  One day Mike was home with the kids and Liam started to lecture him about the mouse traps.  He said something like this ''Dad,  look at me.  Listening and be patient.  No snap the mousetraps.  They will snap and give a bad booboo.  Be a good boy and no touch the mousetraps". It is the funniest thing!  He has also started to negotiate.  He will ask for something, and we will say you can have 3, and he will say, how about 5, and so on.  He has a steel trap memory on certain things.  For example, I took down one of his pictures in his room so that I could hang a Halloween picture.  A few weeks later when I was putting him to bed, he asked to have his old picture back, and he asked for it by the title 'The Waiting Room'.  We have only told him that title maybe a couple of times, and it had been several months since we told him...We were shocked to say the least!  Then later as we were driving we drove past where I had mentioned seeing a dead bunny about a month before and he talked about how sad it was that the bunny got smashed by a car.  Also if I change my route driving to work and back he will say "Going a different way".  His attention to details just amazes us!  Lately his favorite snack has been Doritos, and he calls them 'Doraydose'.  He asked dad to get them at the store one day, and that is all he asks for now, so that will probably be the last bag for a while.  On the bright side, he does like a soy nut mix that is healthy, and soyjoy bars. 
He has also discovered the joy of Halloween this year.  He actually was very excited to go trick-or-treating this year. He was very good about putting on his costume too. The first time we got it though it took a little convincing. We ended up putting Rowan's Flower costume on first, and just showed him how cute she looked, then he was fine putting it on. He was a dragon this year, and a very cute one at that! Halloween landed on a Sunday this year, so our state decided Saturday would be the Trick-or-Treating day...but unfortunately, it also was cold, windy and rainy! But thankfully Liam's costume was warm, and we had an umbrella. I took him to handful of houses, then we went home to warm up. After he ate some dinner, Mike took him to several more...the rain had calmed down, and he kept saying one more house, one more house. The next day he wanted to go again...we told him that it was over, but we could do some Trick-or-Treating in the house. It got pretty late and he needed a bath, so I asked Mike to have a few pretzels behind one door, and his milk behind the next one. He knocked on the first door, and dad handed him some pretzels, and then he said 'I want some candy'...such a funny kid! Anyway, it was pretty fun watching him enjoy Halloween!

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