Friday, June 20, 2008

Liam is 28 Weeks

Liam's new thing this week has been grabbing both his feet with his hands and holding them in the air.  Sadly, he had a really bad night early in the week, part of it was from teething, and part of it was he was really hungry.  We decided we need to be more consistent with feeding him food in the evening.  One night we were able to catch him at just the right time, and he ate ALL his food, and slept fairly well that night...then one night he was too full still from his bottle, and only ate a little.  It's a work in progress, but hopefully we can get into a routine soon.  He has decided that he really likes to sleep on his belly now, and usually doesn't cry anymore when he rolls over.  He's starting to sit fairly well too, although if he sees something, he will fall over. It won't be long till he's sitting unassisted!  We have noticed recently that he has lost interest in his binky, which seems somewhat early for a baby, but we are fine with it if he is. We decided that we'd like to teach him a little sign language and have started with the sign for 'milk', 'mom', 'dad' and 'doggy'.  We just want to start with a few until he starts to catch on, which can take a couple months.  When we show him the signs, we can tell he's really thinking about it.  We are excited for when he starts to sign back to us, it will sure make figuring out what he wants so much easier!  Anyway, other than the teething, this week has been fairly good for him...he just gets cuter and cuter every week!

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