Friday, July 4, 2008

Liam is 30 Weeks

Liam had another pretty good week this week.  Early in the week we went to visit some friends who were having a brunch at their home, and he was really cute with all the new people.  The older kids were playing in a wading pool and Mike put his feet in the pool, he wasn't too happy about that, might have been too cold for him.  For a couple of nights we had him in his own crib during the night, although it's pretty rough in the middle of the night to go up and down the stairs, so we are taking that one with baby steps.  One of the questions for his evaluation for the doctor last week, it asked if your baby can pick up small items like a cheerio, we tested it out, and we were amazed at how meticulous he was picking it up with his thumb and pointer finger!  He tried a couple new foods this week.  The first was banana flavored rice cereal, which he seems to like better than the plain flavor.  The second was mashed banana baby food, which he made the funniest faces with the new tastes.  He has been sitting so well this week too, each day it seems he gets better and better at it.  And now that he has discovered that he is mobile he is always on the move.  He rarely likes to lay down anymore except to drink his bottle.  He just loves to roll all over the place, and with help he likes to stand and jump!  He has also been more sensitive to sounds around us, and if he gets startled he will look to us for reassurance and comfort.  He also has started to cry when we leave him in his crib for a nap, he has outgrown the wrap, and he doesn't want his binky any more either which makes nap time a bit difficult at times.  Thankfully though he usually will settle down after about five minutes.  On Thursday we had a professional photographer come over and take pictures of him.  She said he was such a good model baby and did some positions that were hard to get other babies to do-we were proud parents for sure!  He wasn't shy at all with her or our good friend Heidi who came to visit us from Seattle.  She played peek-a-boo with him, and made him laugh a ton!  He was really cute!

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