Saturday, February 21, 2009

Liam is 14.5 Months

Liam is starting to copy some of the things we do.  He sees us hiding the TV remotes behind our back, and then he will hide a toy behind his back, it's really cute!  He also has started to fake sneeze when we sneeze,  he will put his hand over his mouth and make a sneeze sound.  Although if we try to trick him with a fake sneeze, he knows it. Sometimes when I check his diaper and it's stinky,  I will make a 'KKKKKK' sound, and he started to copy the sound.  I didn't even realize I was doing it until I heard him do it.  Now he does it randomly, it's pretty funny.  He is a pretty independent kid most of the time, although lately he has been wanting a little more affection and being a little more social.  He has started to come up to us and put his arms up to be held, or walk by and sit down in our lap.  He also has also started to wave and blow kisses more often.  His motor skills have always been pretty advanced...he started to stack his cups this past week.  If we hand him the right cup he can get all 10 up!  We were pretty impressed with his balancing skills too, he will even hold the other cups in place so they won't tumble down.  He is eating all sorts of food now, but we do find that the ease of the task can be hit and miss depending on how tired he is and his mood.  One day he will love something the next he will hate it, we are guessing this is just age related.  Another thing we have struggled with is brushing his teeth, he absolutely HATES it, but we just have to get it done!  We are hoping that one will get easier soon!  Anyway, he is such a joy in our lives, and we can't imagine life without him.

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