Thursday, May 21, 2009

Liam is 17.5 Months

Liam's social skills have really been blooming lately.  He has always scored the lowest in this area on the Dr's questionnaires, so we are thrilled to have him really developing these skills.  He is consistently saying bye to us when we leave, although it's more like 'Bah', it is so cute.  He also will give us kisses.  We say, can I have a kiss? And he will lean in and say 'mmmm' and give a little kiss!!  One of his new words lately has been 'phone', and he will pick up a toy or real phone and put it up to his ear and say 'hello', or what sounds like it anyway, then he will babble a conversation, and then say 'bah'.  It's really cute!  I know I've mentioned before that he LOVES ELMO, but I just have to say again that he REALLY LOVES ELMO.  He asks to watch him now, and we also found an Elmo movie on our Roku that really keeps his attention for a long time.  He also loves to splash in the water.  He kicks and splashes a ton in his bath.  We got him a water table for summer time, and he just LOVES to play, and splash until he is drenched.  At night time we will ask if he wants to go to bed, or go to sleep, and he will do part of the sign for it by putting his head to the side, and he smiles.  He just is so smart and cute, and we are so impressed with him all the time!

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