Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Liam is 22 Months

It's so hard for us to believe that Liam is only 2 months away from turning 2 years old.  He will officially be our little boy, and not our baby anymore.  He is growing up WAY too fast!  He continues to pick up new words everyday, and they are so frequent, that I've lost count.  His phrases that he's starting to say have meaning, and he uses them to communicate with us.  One morning he was asking for dad, and I told him that daddy was gone and that he was at work, and he said back to me 'Daddy Gone' and 'Daddy Work'.  He also still tells us when he's pooped, but usually he says 'Poot', which we think is so cute.  Most of the time he is right, but we think other times he just likes to tell us.  One morning he even told me he was wet when his diaper leaked.  We have hope that this is a good sign that he will be easier to potty train when the time comes.  He is also using description words like heavy, hot, and cold. And he is starting to count, learn his letters, and know his colors and shapes too.  He will try to say most words that we ask him to, although I haven't been able to get him to say his own name.  Another word that he won't say is 'Open'.  He will make the 'O' shape with his mouth and give me a smile, but won't say it.  He has also started to like other shows other than Elmo.  A couple of his favorites are 'Curious George', and 'Super Why'.  He especially is getting into 'Super Why' and will say the letters and words along with the show.  A really cute thing he started to do that he saw on TV was to put his hand under his chin, and say 'Hmmmm'.  He is a lot more sure footed these days.  He runs, jumps, hops, skips, dances and climbs EVERYWHERE!  He still does not understand the concept of gravity, and I worry one day that he is going to fall off the side of the couch head first.  I continue to tell him to sit on his bum when he's on the couch, and he thinks it's a game.  We recently got him a table so he can color, although at this point in time he thinks the table is funner to climb on.  As far as food goes we think he's the typical toddler in that one day he likes something, then next day he doesn't.  In general the one food group that I've had a hard time getting him to eat is his veggies.  Sometimes he will, most of the time he won't.  Guess I'll have to keep trying on that one.  One personality trait we've noticed that he has is he is very stubborn and strong willed.  Both his parents can be that way as well, so there isn't any surprise there.  His new obsession this month has been lights.  We put some night lights in his room, and he HAS to have them on at all times even though they turn off when it's light in the room.  He notices lights everywhere now, and points them out, and wants them on.  He also likes to turn the light switches on and off.  This issue has been a bit of a hard one, but we are hoping it's just a phase.  He continues to make us proud parents, and we are looking forward to adding a new addition to our family in the not too distant future, and think that Liam will be a great 'big brother'.

Update: A day after I wrote this Liam started to say 'Open'...he likes to proove me wrong : )

comment by mom/grandma on 10/07/2009
sounds like he's the same here as home, he says op-de for open here, he also spells o-p-e it's on one of his Elmo video's here, what a little smarty, we love getting to share him.

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