Saturday, November 7, 2009

Liam is 23 Months

Liam has such a cute personality.  He is very smart, and very stubborn, both traits he inherited from his dad.  He really is starting to take command of languange and takes every opportunity to practice his words.  The most often ones he's been using this month have been his numbers and colors.  And he is actually starting to get the colors right!  He will combine the word 'Boo-geen-lellow-red' for Blue,green,yellow,red''s pretty cute!  He did start saying the word 'Wow' , and 'Oh-no!' and he'll put his hands up to his face and say it...He will say 'again' if he wants you to repeat something.  And he also has taken a liking to picking up trash and wanting to put in in the trash can.  When we are in the play room he likes to 'steal' our spots on the couch.  If we get up, he will run to our spot on the couch and yell 'mama's spot' or daddy's spot'  He will also do something that makes us get up, so he can take our spot!  He's quite mischeivious that way.  He is also really good at puzzles.  He is also still obsessed with lights.  He used to want them on all the time, but lately he wants them off.  He loves to turn the switches on and off too.  If I'm having a difficult time with him, I will distract him with the option of helping me with the generally seems to work.  He had a bit of a transition issue with starting to wear his winter clothes.  He did not want to wear long sleeves, pants or jackets...but after a few weeks it seems he is getting better about putting these clothes on.  A couple of weeks ago we moved him to his new room.  We ended up keeping his bed a crib for now.  He hasn't shown much of an interest in climbing out of his crib even though we know he is capable of it.  We figure it will be good to adjust to his new room and mature a little more before we move him to the toddler bed.  He still does not understand not to touch the plugs or mess with his furniture, so we feel its safer to keep him in his crib until he's a little older. 
This month we had Halloween, and he went trick-or-treating for the first time.  We started Halloween evening off with carving pumpkins. Liam is too young still to participate with the actual carving part, but we had him watch us cut them open and take the guts out. He kept saying 'Ewe' when we showed him the insides. The way he says 'punkin' is soo cute too!  We gave him his pumpkin to play with, and then gave him a glow stick since he just LOVES lights, and we figured he would get a kick out of a glow stick.  Then we got him dressed in his Elmo costume so that he could go trick-or-treating...The trick-or-treater's had already started to show up while we were taking his picture. He wasn't too sure what to make of everything. He seemed a bit shell shocked, so we were able to capture a few pictures with him being cute and calm. I took him out first, and we ran into some neighbors just outside our house. He was talking up a storm about his Elmo costume and how he had shoes on. The first house we went to he was hesitant to say 'trick or treat' , but he grabbed a piece of candy out of the bowl. I was fairly surprised that he knew just what to do.  We just went to a few houses, then dad wanted a chance to take him out, so he took him to a few more...he did end up saying 'Trick-or-treat' at least once, and 'Thank you' too.  When he got home he did NOT want to let go of his Elmo basket. We had to pry his hand open to take his costume off and wash his hands...then we let him carry his stash around the house. He really seemed to enjoy this Halloween...although I think next year he will have a much better understanding what all the fuss is about.
For Liam's 2nd birthday party we decided to host it at The Living Planet Aquarium. We also had his party one month early because Rowan is due right around his real birthday which is Dec. 7th. We had the party room for 1.5 hrs. so it was a bit rushed, but overall I think everyone had a good time. We first had a light brunch with bagels and fruit, then we had a treasure hunt with the kids. Liam did not like the activity at all, he just wanted to run around the aquarium and do his own thing...after the treasure hunt, we had to quickly have cake and open presents. Again, Liam didn't want much to do with this, he just wanted to run around and play...guessing this is normal for his age.  I think his favorite part of the whole party was his balloons. He held onto those things and punched them all over the place, it was pretty funny!  After the party, all the guests were free to explore the aquarium...Liam loved splashing in the stingray tank, and crawling around in the ocean caves. Overall I think the party went well. It felt a little hectic and rushed to me, but that is probably because I was the host. It was fun, and the best part of all was I didn't have to clean our house at nine months pregnant : )

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