Thursday, January 7, 2010

Rowan is 6 Weeks!

Before Rowan was born, I thought I shouldn't compare the two kids, but I have to admit it is quite interesting at how different they are.  For example; Rowan has dark hair, Liam has blond.  Liam had a hard time breastfeeding at first, Rowan took to it right away.  Liam took to the binky and bottle quickly.  Rowan still won't have anything to do with the binky, and we are STILL working on the bottle with her.  He hated tummy time, she loves tummy time.  Anyway, those are just a few things we have noticed about the two kids.  One thing they do have in common is they both grew soo fast.  Rowan is gaining weight and changing so quickly it seems she changes right before our eyes.  Her double chin seems to be doubling, and we can tell she is getting heavier by the day.  She has already outgrown the newborn diapers, and nearly outgrown all her newborn clothes.  Sadly she started her phase of baby acne about a week ago.  Liam's only lasted about 2 weeks, so hopefully hers will clear up soon!  Although lately it has been looking less like acne and more like a rash or eczema.  We are hoping it is only acne, and nothing more serious.  Her hair is starting to thin a bit, and it also is looking like a lighter color is coming in.  It will be interesting to see what color her hair ends up well as her eyes.  At first they were pretty dark, so we thought maybe she would have brown eyes, but they are looking more blue-ish these days, so she may end up with blue eyes like her big brother.  This past week she went 5-1/2 days without pooping?!  Apparently this can be normal for babies, although we were quite relieved when she finally did, and we're sure she was too!  She is also getting really strong.  She is holding her head up much better, and she is moving her arms and legs.  When we put her on her belly she can kick her legs to where she is nearly moving her body.  We think she will be early to roll over and possibly crawl!  We have noticed in the past few days that she has become more aware of her surroundings.  She looks at us in our eyes, and moving objects are catching her eyes like the ceiling fan and the TV.  She also has been smiling a lot lately...she is much more smiley than Liam was at this age  (but he was also 4 weeks early, so that could be part of it).  Thankfully, she has also been more content.  She hasn't had as many fussy hours, and she has let me put her down for a few without crying right away, which has been nice. Anyway, it just amazes us just how quickly they change in the beginning.  You really need to pay attention or it passes before you know it!

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