Friday, May 7, 2010

Liam: 2 yrs. 5 mo.

I keep a list throughout the month of all the new things that Liam is doing so that I can remember everything for his monthly update....this month has to be one of the longest lists yet!  He just continues to grow and change in so many ways....So where do I start?  How about we start at the top of the list and go down...One day I made a video of Rowan, and I played it back right after...he saw Rowan on the floor and on the screen and said 'Two Baby Rowan's'...Also one night I was getting him ready for bed, and he saw me in the mirror and said 'Two Mamma's'.  He is starting to count people in room too.

The weather is warming up, and we took him in the back yard to play.  He saw the garden, and pointed to where the strawberries were last year and said 'Strawberries'.  We were quite amazed and surprised he remembered them from over 8 months ago!  He has quite the memory.  

We took the kids to the tulip festival.  I wanted to get some macro pictures of the flowers, and all he wanted to do was RUN!  Mike chased him around the whole time, he thought it was a fun game to run and be chased...and man is he fast?!  For safety sake, he will need to learn very soon that he needs to stick by us.  

Grandma and Grandpa P.  had a spare 'Cars' trike at their house, so they gave it to Liam to have at our house.  We ordered him a matching helmet.  I thought for sure we would have to fight him to get him to wear it, but to our surprise he put it on, and we took him out for a little ride.  He quite enjoyed it.  While on his ride we came across a roly poly that is like a bug in his new bug book.  Dad picked it up, and it rolled up into a ball.  I had never really looked up close at one, and I was really amazed at how detailed they are.  We let Liam look at it for a while, then dad put it safely in the grass.  We thought it was a nice little learning experience for him.  

A couple big hurdles we have been dealing with over the past month has been getting him to sit in his highchair and his car seat.  He will do a few moves where he will either make his body limp, we call it the 'limp noodle', or he will stiffen his body, we heard it called the 'stiff hot dog'....apparently this is something that is common for kids his age, and we just have to deal with it!  The other big fight we have had lately, and this has been going on since we started, is brushing his teeth.  The ease of it comes and goes, but it seems to be more difficult as of late. I am just hoping it starts to get easier sometime soon.  

We took Liam to a couple of gym classes for a trial run, and then signed him up at the one closest to us.  He loves it!  He especially likes to jump on the trampoline, and jump into the foam pit, and swing on the rings.  We do think that we might sign him up for another session, but at the other gym ( I will write more on that later, probably on my other blog). 

He has been talking a ton lately, and will mimic back a lot of the stuff we say.  He can say every one's name, and is starting to say his name, but doesn't really say it well yet, but the funny thing is if you ask him to say Mississippi, he can say it perfectly.  He still pronounces yogurt, logurt, which we find very cute.  His favorite new movie as of late is Peter Pan, and he calls it 'Pie Pins' or a variance of that...We love all his mispronunciations : )  Anyway, this is getting really long, and I'm at the end of the list, so until next time...We LOVE you Liam!!

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