Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Rowan: 13 Months

Rowan is growing and changing so quickly I can't keep up!  We had some time off for the holidays, and couldn't believe how much she changed over nearly 2 weeks.  On December 17th she had her first haircut, and she did great!  She turned 13 months old on December 26th.  She says a few words now, but mostly she chatters in her own language.  So far she does say 'Mama', 'Dada', 'Baby','What's Dat?', 'Uh-Oh'.  She points at things she wants or likes which lately have been Cheerios and lights.  She is starting to want what we eat now.  So I will give her bits of it to try. She really loved the hummus that she tried the other day, and she really loves bananas, and squeals in delight when she sees I cut some up for her.  She also loves graham crackers, and had a little tantrum when I tried putting them away after giving her some. I ended up giving her some more, and she is now learning how to get stuff from us, just like Liam?!?!  We are such pushovers ;) But she has learned the sign for more, and will do the sign, or clap which is similar to the sign. 
She LOVES the lamp I put in her room.  She was always blinded in the morning when I turned on her big light, and she would sneeze several times from the light...so the lamp has helped a lot and she loves to point at it, and give it her own word.  She also loves the lights on the Christmas tree, and thinks they are candles and tries to blow them out.  She is still very cautious about walking, but over the holiday she started to take more than 2 steps...it's around 4 or 5 now, then she will stop, pat her legs, sometimes dances, then kneels down to crawl.  She is getting braver everyday, and she is so proud of her walking.  She is also learning to stand on her own.  Last night she was able to stand by just using the boppy pillow to hold onto.  She also does this really cute thing where she will do a downward facing dog position with her legs and head, then she will take her hands and put them on her ankles, it's quite impressive, and I hope to capture it on video!! She is also now a climber!  But, she is not as cautious about climbing as she is about walking.  She can climb onto the kid's table if the stool is next to it!  She will pretty much try to climb anything she can reach now, so we do have to watch her more carefully!!  Another thing she loves is giving Liam hugs and kisses.  The best time to see it is at night when they are getting tired and loopy and they will just roll around on the floor in the blankets and hug and snuggle, it's the cutest thing!!  I love watching them play and bond, and am very grateful to have had some extra time to spend with them over our break.

comment by mom/grandma on 01/04/2011
They are so cute together, we are glad to have them here again.

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