Saturday, May 12, 2007

Living Inside

So, if you have seen my "new pictures" you will have seen that we are pregnant!  We found out 2 weeks ago, and because of some family events going on we have not told our families yet.  We thought Mother's day would be the perfect time to tell them.  I had searched on the internet for creative ways to tell your family and liked these 2 ideas. Get a baby frame and to throw them off, put pictures of your pets in there, and the other idea was a bib with "I Love My Grandma" on it.  It will be interesting to see how they react to the news.

My husband and I were married about 9 years ago, and our families have been waiting at least that long for us to give them grandkids.  We live in the # 1 state for birthrates, and around here it is the expected thing to do.  We weren't even sure if we even wanted kids…I was more undecided, and on more than one occasion my husband had said he didn't want any.  I had accepted that we wouldn't and was Ok with the decision.  Then about a year ago my husband ended up in the hospital, and nearly died.  Since then we have been going to counseling with a great therapist, and several months ago, he had us write down on a piece of paper what our short and long term dreams are and share them with each other.  I had been really depressed and couldn't think of anything special, but Mike wrote down that he wanted kids.  I was surprised and shocked of this news, and we had discussed it over the next several months, and decided it was time for me to stop taking the pill.

We had thought that it would take a few months, since I had been on the pill for such a long time, but it happened right away.  The first test I took was at the Dr.'s office as I picked up some pre-natal vitamins.  The test was negative, then 5 days later I took a home pregnancy test, the 1-2 line one (I don't recommend those tests).  One line was really dark, and the other was there but it was soooo light that we figured it was negative, especially with the previous one at the Dr.'s office being negative.  Then I started to feel really bloated and crampy, and figured that the pill had messed up my cycle.  But, I decided to take another test, it was the 2 line one again (it came 2 to a box).  This time one line was dark, and the other was light, but it definitely was there.  This was about 9am on a Sunday morning, and I woke Mike up asking him to come take a look and tell me what he thought of it.  I handed him the test with my hand shaking. He was still half asleep, and he looked a little dumbfounded…he scratched his head and we both looked at each other like "How did this happen?"  Even when you are trying for it, it still comes as a surprise. We wanted to make certain we were reading the test right, so I went to the Pharmacy and grabbed one of those dummy tests, you know the ones that are digital, and displays the words "Pregnant" or "NOT Pregnant".

That evening we started that new show "Notes from the Underbelly".  And the couple on the show had a very similar reaction to ours, and it was so close to home we laughed soooo hard we were crying!  So the following day, I called the Dr. and got the next available appointment for the following week.  Since I had just stopped the pill, the estimated conception date is a little harder to determine, so he set me up with an ultrasound.  They told me to drink 32 oz. of water before I went in.  And then when I got there for some reason I had to wait for 45 min. to be seen…It was pretty uncomfortable to say the least.  So, then she found out that it's soo small she couldn't see anything though the belly, so she was going in the "other way".  She let me use the bathroom first thankfully! Sadly, I was not able to see the screen.  I thought she was going to turn it or something, or show me the pictures when she was done, but it didn't happen.  Mike was able to watch though, but he said you couldn't see much…The baby is about the size of a grain of rice, and it already has a heart beat?!  She estimated the age as 5 weeks and 5 days (This was on 5-10).  So the due date is January 5, 2008 .  We are excited and scared at the same time….this will be an amazing journey for sure.

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