Friday, March 14, 2008

Liam is 14 Weeks

Well this week was a bit rougher than last week.  For one it was probably because I worked the full week, and didn’t take Friday off.  And also because daylight savings started this week, and it just threw our whole schedule off.  Liam woke up at different hours, sometimes waking just an hour before we needed to get up.  I’m hoping this next week will be easier, as we will hopefully get used to the new time.  All the items I purchased to make things a bit easier have really helped too.  The new pump is great, it’s light, easy to use, and I love that it doesn’t need to be plugged in.  There are a couple things I’m not thrilled with, but overall it’s a nice pump.  I was concerned before starting work that I wouldn’t have enough milk, but I do pump plenty while I’m at work for the next day.  The sterilizer works great too, and has been a great time saver.

This week Dr. Karp, who is a pediatrician, was on a radio show that I listen to.  He has written books on kids. You can see his website at  Anyway, he was talking about how to calm your baby, and the basic idea is to recreate being in the womb.  The 5 ‘S’ techniques are 1. Swaddle 2. Side/Stomach Position 3. Shushing  4. Swinging  5. Sucking.  He was saying that being in the womb is louder than a vacuum, and this is why babies aren’t bothered when you vacuum.  This is also why babies like car rides.  This is true of Liam, he isn’t bothered in the least when I vacuum, and he just loves car rides.  He also loves being swaddled. We learned this early on when he kept waking up when his arms flailed about.  We started to swaddle him like they show you in the hospital, and he slept sooo much better since then.  Grandma P. also made him some new blankets that made it easier to swaddle him.

Liam continues to be more aware of things around him, mostly us.  He LOVES to smile at us, and we are just waiting for him to laugh.  We think it’s really close.   He is growing so fast too.  Clothes that looked so big when we first got them, are either too small now or going to be very soon.  He’s already nearly outgrown the 1-2 size diapers?!  (Which go up to 15 lbs.)  15 lbs. is also the maximum weight his bassinet will hold, which means he will need to move up to his bedroom soon, which makes us very sad.  In our new house, the master bedroom is on the main floor, and the rest of the bedrooms are on the second floor…while this will be nice when the kid (s) are teenagers, it REALLY is no fun for babies!  We are looking at getting a video monitor for when he’s up there. Although, even with the monitor, it just won’t be the same.  I imagine sending him up to the second floor will be like sending him off to college, except I don’t think he will approve of us setting up a video monitor in his dorm room, haha!

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