Friday, August 15, 2008

Liam is 36 Weeks

Liam had his first sit-up bath this week.  We were concerned about doing it earlier because he wasn't sitting 100%, but he's pretty much there except for the occasional time he gets excited or distracted and loses his balance.  We just made sure one of us was there to hold him, and he did really well.  He seemed to really like sitting up in his bath.  His new thing this week is pointing his finger at things.  We are constantly amazed at how well his dexterity is.  He is very precise with his fingers, and picking up things.  He's fairly mobile now, even though he hasn't quite caught on to the crawling thing.  Other than the 'worm' move, he also does this move where he lifts his bottom in the air and scoots with his head.  (If you are familiar with yoga, it is similar to the downward facing dog position).  We have noticed that his legs are super strong, and he also likes to use them as if they are extra arms and hands.  He will wrap his legs around things to get stuff to him.  

Some of you may know that I do not eat meat (other than fish), and I have had mixed feelings about giving Liam meat, but I do know that as a growing baby and child he will need protein and having too much soy is probably not a good thing.  So I have decided that if he's going to have certain meats, I would like it to be organic.  So this week we let him try organic mangoes and chicken, and he seemed to really like it.  My friend also let me borrow her book on making baby food.  I got a little carried away with the first week, making a meal for him that had lentils, onions, carrots and celery.  He ate it OK, but I think it was a bit much for him for the first time making him food.  I have decided to go back to the basics and make him the simple stuff like single fruits and veggies, and then work up to the fancier recipes.

He had a bit of a rough week this week as far as sleeping goes.  He hasn't been taking his bottles as much this week either, so we think maybe his gums are sore from teething.  One night this week he actually woke up around 3 or 4am and thought it was play time.  After giving him some extra milk, he finally drifted back to sleep.  Several weeks ago I had to convert his bassinet to his playpen because he was just too big for the bassinet, but I still wanted the option for him to sleep on the main floor if he was getting up a lot in the night.  However, it seems he's decided that he really doesn't like sleeping in his playpen anymore, and tends to sleep much better in his bed...can't say I blame him, his bed IS more comfortable!  He has also given up nursing all together, and takes a bottle in the night now.

On August 14th he had his IN/OUT day, which means he has been in the outside world as long as he was inside me.  HAPPY in/out day Liam! WE LOVE YOU!

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