Friday, August 22, 2008

Liam is 37 Weeks

Now that Liam is close to sitting up on his own, we decided it was time to lower his mattress in his crib.  We also, thought he could use a more sturdy bumper, since he likes to pull down on it. 
Lately, we've noticed that he gets bored really easily, and we have to think of new things to entertain him.  We got him a pretty cool toy called 'Learn and Groove Musical Table'  made by Leap Frog.  He thinks it's pretty fun!

Liam has now decided that he wants to sleep in his crib full time. We had him in our room at night because it's on the main floor and his bedroom is on the 2nd floor, and both of us are zombies if we are waken in the middle of the night. But alas, he just couldn't sleep in his hard playpen any longer, so we decided it was time to buy a video monitor. We hesitated for a while getting one because we read some reviews that it interferes with the other electronics in the house. But, we bit the bullet and decided to just get one, and return it if we had problems. We went with the Summer brand, 7 " LCD Screen Monitor. So far it has worked great. The sound is staticky, but we turn that down and use our other monitors for that. The picture works pretty well, at least for what we need it for, and that is just to be able to see how he's doing. Before with just the sound, any little cry or whimper in the middle of the night was exaggerated 10 fold when I was half asleep. It made for many restless nights. Now I can just glance over on my nightstand and see that he is well. It wasn't cheap, but having peace of mind and better sleep is priceless! We love watching him on our L-TV (Liam Television).

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