Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Liam is 13 Months

Liam's walking has improved a lot in the past month, and he walks pretty quickly and is even starting to run.  It's so second nature to him now, that sometimes he doesn't watch where he's going.  We decided it was time to get him some shoes, and found a cute pair of Nike's.  We expected that he would be pretty wobbly learning to walk with shoes, but he surprised us a bit how quickly he learned.  Another new item we needed to purchase when he turned one was a new car seat.  Mike did some research on a safe seat, and it came down to the Britax and the Recaro.  Both are well made and safe.  Recaro is a new brand for baby car seats, but are well known for making seats for racing cars.  We ended up buying the Recaro, and so far we really like it.
It's so cute how much of a 'boy' he is.  He likes to throw stuff, and has a pretty strong arm too.  He is also starting to roll his cars along making the 'Vroom, Vroom' car sounds.  His favorite word lately is 'No'.  He usually says it if he's mad or upset.  One habit he is learning that isn't so fun is he is starting to throw tantrums, and whine when he's upset.  Although to be fair to him, he's also starting to cut his molars, so that could be part of it.
His chewing has improved quite a bit lately.  He doesn't gag near as often as he used to, and that makes feeding him certain things a lot easier.  He really loves cheese, and cottage cheese.  And lets us know if he really loves something by going 'MMmmmmm'.  Although, if he doesn't like something, it makes feeding him really frustrating.  He will hold it in his mouth, or turn away and cry or whine.  We usually will have to mix something else he likes with it to get him to finish it.
Both Mike and I had a some time off for Christmas.  We spent a lot of time with Liam, which was fun.  This year was his 2nd Christmas.  I actually put up the tree this year!  He got a lot of toys for his birthday which added to the plenty he already had, so we decided to get him mostly books, and a couple of toys for Christmas.  His attention span is all of 5 minutes, if we are lucky, so it worked out good.

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