Monday, January 26, 2009

Liam is 13.5 Months

Liam is starting to look less and less like a baby, and more like a little boy.  He's starting to have a bit of an attitude lately, mostly when it comes to eating.  Although now that we are transitioning from his baby food to big people food, he tends to be more agreeable.  It surprises us the types of food that he likes.  He eats (and likes) bell peppers and onions!!  And he really likes hummus.  Now that he has some molars he chews a lot better now, and we are more comfortable feeding him.  He really enjoys graham crackers and goldfish crackers too.  His favorite food is still cheese and cottage cheese and he will now say 'Mmmmm' when we get it out of the fridge.  He tends to point at the food if he wants more, and will cry a bit if we aren't getting it fast enough.  We are teaching him the sign and word for 'more', so that he won't get frustrated when he wants something.  He started to get part of the sign down, and we are pretty sure he said 'more' a few times too. He is starting to climb onto stuff now.  We showed him how to climb onto his riding train, and now he gets on and off all by himself.  He knows how to crawl up the stairs, but is not so good crawling back down, he wants to stand and go down that way, but he's not big enough to do that, so we have to be really careful when he's around stairs.  One cute thing he started doing a while back that I'm sure I mentioned is he will 'Roar' when he sees a picture of a lion or tiger.  His favorite word lately has been 'Uh-oh'.  I saw him trying to open our door knob the other day, and I said 'Uh-oh', and I think he was concentrating so hard that I scared him, and he started to cry.  His other cute thing he's been doing lately is singing to us.  He will start with a sound and either go up or down.  Over the weekend he decided that he did not want his afternoon nap, so we are thinking he might be going to one nap a day soon.  When he doesn't have a 2nd nap he tends to be a little more tired in the evening which makes him more cuddly.  He will sit on our lap and hang out for a while. It's a rare treat for us, since he's usually such a busy body!

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