Thursday, April 22, 2010

Rowan: 21 weeks

I was looking over my posts for Liam when he was a baby, and I was doing a weekly update for I thought that I really need to be better about posting more updates for Rowan while she is still a baby and changing so quickly.  I think part of it is that you notice a lot more new stuff when it's your first time experiencing it. Part of it is taking care of a 2-year old as well as an infant is very time consuming, and it's hard to keep up with everything that needs to be taken care of.  Anyway, earlier this week we were talking about how she would be starting to blow raspberries soon, and sure enough that evening, she started doing it.  She also has found out that she can suck on her toe, and it has become her new favorite chew toy.  Over the weekend, she slept a lot!  I had to pretty much force feed her during her awake times.  We think she is getting ready for a new milestone, probably rolling over.  I also read in my post on Liam that around this time his appetite started to get more than I was able to produce, and I didn't have much stored in the freezer either, so we had to start supplementing with formula...I'm not sure what is different this time, but I don't have that problem at fact, I have so much stored milk, that I have to keep rearranging the freezer to make room for more.  She is still eating a lot too...I'm hoping this trend keeps up, and we won't have to buy formula at all!  Another thing I noted, and I'm not trying to compare our 2 kids, but just note is that she isn't as verbal as Liam was at this age. But she is definitely more social as far as laughing and smiling goes.  Every baby is so different, it is interesting to notice their unique qualities.

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