Thursday, April 15, 2010

Rowan: 4 months (4.5 months/20 weeks)

I am so behind this month on Rowan's update.  I just have not been right since the time change, and I am feeling a bit overwhelmed lately.  Rowan turned 4 months old on March 26, 2010.  She also had her 4 month check up on March 31st.  At that time she weighed 13 lbs. 13 oz. (51%), her length was 24.3 inches (48%) and her head was 16.4 inches (67%).   I weighed her on the home scale a few days ago, and she has topped 14 lbs. now.  She is definitely growing right before our eyes! She is now a pro at drinking from her bottle, and is also weaning from nursing.  She gets too distracted with what is going on around her to sit still long enough to have a good feed, but thankfully if she wakes at night she will still nurse, so that is nice.  She is full of smiles all the time, and basically you just need to look at her and she will smile.  She is starting to laugh and giggle too which is just adorable.  She can roll over with a little assistance, like with gravity or if she pulls on something, but she hasn't quite done it on her own yet, but very close!  She has recently discovered her legs and feet.  She will hold her legs up and play with them and her feet too.  She is starting to outgrow her swing because she is starting to sit up in it and hold onto the sides and the swing will stop, so we brought up the Jump-a-roo the other day, and she loves it!  She took to the jumping right away.  Although, I can tell when she gets tired because she will lay her head on the side.  She absolutely adores her older brother, and you can tell she already looks up to him.  We just are amazed on a daily basis just how cute and wonderful she is, and are so thankful she is a part of our family.

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