Monday, June 7, 2010

Liam is 2-1/2 years!

WOW, Liam is 2.5 years old today!  He is growing into such an adorable little boy, and it is exciting to see all the things that he learning every day.  He has such an amazing memory, and is really good at forming ideas together.  For example we were driving home the other day, and someone had a bike strapped to the roof of their car, and he said 'Bike on the car'.  I have been going to the Dr. to have several moles taken off, and he has been very concerned about them.  He points to and counts the ones that are left, and calls the ones that are healing 'boo-boo's'.  I had mentioned to him the other day that dad would be staying home with him, and I would be going to the Dr. to get some more moles taken off.  The following morning, he told Dad that I was at work, and at the Dr. getting some moles taken off.  He just amazes us how much information he can take in, and remember later on.  On the way home from work we drive by the school he will be going to in the fall, and I pointed it out to him one day.  Then one day when we drove by, he recognized it, and said 'Liam's School'  Although, he has a few variations of his name. It took him until recently to start saying his own name, and here are a few ways he says it; 'Jaeon', 'JeeJum','YayYum'.  I suppose the sound Lee-um can be hard for a 2 yr. old, but the funny thing is he can say pretty much anyone's name you tell him...we think it's pretty cute though!  He can say 'L' sounds, so when he's really tired we will say he's getting loopy, so he will say 'Jaeon's getting loopy', it's pretty funny.  He likes to talk about 'his people'.  He will count the people in the room, or he'll say something like 'lots of people', or 'Rowan is a people', 'Mama is a people', and 'So and So is my people.'  His favorite movie is Peter Pan still, and he will pretend to sword fight when Peter Pan is fighting with Captain Hook.  He also likes to find his shadow on the wall, like Peter Pan does.  His favortite book lately is his Dr. Seuss's ABC book, and a funny word he likes from that book is Googoo Goggles for the letter 'G'.  It is a fun word to say, and he even has a pair that Grandma B. found for him to wear.  He finished up his gym class last week, and I think I'm going to check out another one that is in Lindon once my foot is feeling better.  He just loves gym class!  Just wanted to follow-up on the hurdle that we had last month.  We decided to go back to having his milk in the car when I pick him up to go home, and he hasn't fought me too much about his car seat since then, thankfully.  A few things he did this past month was he helped dad plant the garden, we saw the Penguins at the Aquarium and he took a ride on Thomas the Train.  He had a great time!
Anyway, I will leave this update with an e-mail from Grandma B. about Liam:

Hi guys,
I forgot to tell you this cute Liam-ism.  I was changing his pants and he was talking in a super high, sing-song voice.  I asked him what he was doing and he said, "I'm talking Rowan",  leave it to a kid to know that babies have their own language.  I don't know if I told you this one, when I asked him if he wanted to see the neighbor's chickens, he said yes,...and the cow.  I told him they didn't have a cow and he said, OK, how about a zebra?

Gotta love that boy.
Love ya,

HAPPY 2.5 years Little Man!

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