Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Rowan is 6 Months!

I know I've been bad lately on Rowan's updates...things just get so busy, then last Friday I had a mole removed from the arch of my left foot, and I have a lot of stitches there now, and I can't walk!  It is horrible, but I am grateful for my husband who took care of me all weekend, plus the kids and house. And I'm also grateful for my mom, and mother-in-law that are helping me with the kids when Mike has to work. Anyway, Rowan turned 6 months old on May 26th, and she is cuter than ever.  She also had her 6 month check-up on May 28th.  

Here are her new stats: 15 lbs. 8 oz. (39.86%)
Length: 25.5 inches (40.74%)
Head: 17.25 inches (85.05%)-as you can see her head is still BIG, just like Liam's!

She is starting to sit, and just this past weekend she started 'talking', saying 'Baba' and 'Mama'.  We also fed her some rice cereal.  The first time was pretty messy.  We mixed it up really soupy like it says to on the box for their first time.  She seemed to know right what to do, she grabbed for the spoon and pulled it to her mouth...then she started blowing bubbles on the spoon.  Overall she did pretty good for her first time.  We have tried a couple more times since then, and she is really starting to get the hang of it.  We look forward to trying some new flavors like apples and carrots!  She has been sleeping through the night most of the time now, we feel so spoiled.  Although, she is almost outgrown her bassinet, so hopefully my foot will heal soon before she needs to move upstairs.  Anyway, we love this little girl so much, and are so grateful to have her in our family.  Happy 6 months little girl.

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