Friday, July 2, 2010

Rowan: 7 Months

Happy 7 Months to Rowan, she turned 7 months on June 26th.  She is growing and changing so quickly too.  Her bottom 2 teeth are coming in...she was sore for a few days, so we needed to give her a little Motrin, that seemed to help.  She is more expressive with her face now.  She likes to scrunch up her face, it is so cute! It seems she just wants to skip sitting all together, and start crawling! She is pushing up with her knees and arms, and she is pivoting and scooting all over to get things she wants. She has really quick and grabby hands too, we really need to be careful what we leave out around her now, especially with a toddler in the home too!  We are scheduled for professional pictures mid July, and she needs some more help with sitting.  She does OK for a minute or so, but then she topples over...I ended up getting her a Bumbo to help get her stomach muscles in shape.  It seems to be helping so far. 
She is talking a lot more now!  She is now saying 'Dada' and all sorts of other sounds.  She also gets more bored, and likes to play more now.  She just loves everyone, and will smile and be happy with a perfect stranger.  She is pretty much on a predictable schedule now too which is nice so we can plan more around her naps, and when she cries we pretty much know what to do for her.  She was really starting to dislike her bassinet that we had in our bedroom, so when she turned 7 months about a week ago, we moved her upstairs, and she will sleep right through the night now, close to 12 hrs.?!  We can't believe it, we have been so lucky so far...I'm sure that will change when she starts teething more, but for now we are quite enjoying it, although we do miss having her near us!  But it's nice because we don't disrupt her sleep in the evening.
At around 6 months something changed with her eyes because she started to squint with the camera flash.  We had been thinking about getting a new camera anyway, so with this new development we decided to go ahead and do it.  It would be sad if all your baby pictures after 6 months were squinty, so we are glad the new camera is super fast, so her eyes are nice and wide open. 
Another big change this past month is we started to feed her some food!  We started out with some Rice cereal, and she did pretty good.  Then we had some left over jars from Liam that were still good, so I gave her a taste of was a little too tart to start with, but the faces she made were priceless!  Mike got some more tame flavors at the store, and so far she has tried; bananas, carrots, peas, pears and butternut squash.  Usually she takes 2-3 feedings to finish a jar, but she plowed her first jar of butternut squash the other day, we were so proud of her.  She is kinda funny still about eating though.  She even makes faces eating rice cereal...Liam was more of a gagger, but Rowan is more of face maker!
I just can not believe how fast this last month flew by!  Most of the month I was healing from having a mole taken off of my foot, so we really didn't do much, but the kids managed to grow and change regardless!
Oh, and one last thing...I was just looking over Liam's 30 week post, which is how old Rowan was this past week, and ironically 'Auntie' Heidi came to visit him the same exact week!  We got some really cute pictures, and will have to post them together to compare sizes : )  He seems so much bigger!!

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