Thursday, July 15, 2010

Rowan: 33 Weeks (7.5 mo)

Rowan is now 33 weeks!  And a few days after I wrote her last update, she made some huge changes...for one around the 4th of July she started sitting like a champ!  She is also eating a TON!  At first I guess I was just catching her at bad times or something, because she would just purse her lips closed, and I had a hard time getting her to eat, but lately she has been very good about eating, and she isn't making faces as much either.  She also has started to hold her own bottle.  She can take it out of her mouth, and get it back in with no problem!  Her schedule is harder to predict now because her tired cry is very similar to her bored cry.  Sometimes I think she is ready for a nap, but then she just cries in her crib which is unlike her, so I take her out again, and try to entertain her and she is fine.  Her naps have been shorter than usual, and we think it's because she is sleeping like a log at night time.  She usually goes to bed around 5 or 6 pm, and doesn't wake till we get up at 6am the next day.  It has been very nice, and we hope she keeps that up!  In fact this morning I went in her room, and she was still asleep...I had to wake her for the first time.  She is really pushing up on her hands and knees and we know she is so close to crawling, but we hope she waits till at least after her pictures next week!  Once she starts to crawl, we know life as we know it will change all over again...we will have 2 fully mobile kidlets!  Anyway, she is such a delight in our lives and we can't imagine life without her.

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