Friday, September 19, 2008

9 months 12 days (41 weeks)

This week has been another big week of changes.  His crawling gets better and better everyday, and he is getting really fast too.  He is getting more stable at walking around the furniture. His dismount from his standing position is getting really steady too.  He is starting to take a new interest in his toys, and he's starting to play more with them rather than just chewing on them.  We gave him some Cheerios this week, and he's starting to get the hang of eating them by chewing them up.  I get nervous that he's going to choke, but thankfully his dad is standing by to reassure me, and step in if anything happens.  He's starting to sound out words more and more.  One day this week I thought he was trying to say 'dog'.  He is also getting so BIG.  Whenever someone asks how old he is, they are surprised at how big he is!  He is already busting out of some of his 12 month clothes, and already fits in some of his 18 month clothes!  We were somewhat surprised to find out that he is only in the 40th percentile for his weight (at 20 lbs. 3 oz.) and 35th percentile for his height (28 in).  Although, maybe it's his head (18.5 in.) that makes him look so big, which is in the 88th percentile!

His questionnaire was for 10 months this time, so some of the communication and personal-social areas are not quite there yet, but he scored really high in the gross motor, fine motor and problem solving areas.  The doctor says he's doing really well, and he advised to start feeding him more food, and less milk since he will be weaning off of formula and breast milk in a few months.  They did a blood prick on his toe to check for anemia, and he is good.  They also gave him a flu shot.  The nurse put a band-aid on his toe, and when we were in the car I heard him gagging, I looked in the rear view mirror and he vomited.  I pulled over to check on him and he threw up again!  I called the Dr.'s office to ask them if that could be a reaction to the vaccine, and they said it was not.  I decided to go to my families home to clean him up, and I found the band-aid in his car seat.  I am thinking he tried to eat the band-aid and he choked on it.  We won't be leaving band-aids on him for now on!

After I cleaned him up, I took him to Toys R Us, and got him a bunch of new toys.  He was a super good boy this week!

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