Friday, September 12, 2008

Liam is 9 Months (40 Weeks)

We think that Liam has made the most changes thus far in the past 2 weeks.  He went from sitting up on his own a couple weeks ago, to learning how to crawl, to standing and walking along the furniture!  He is now into everything!  And he also has decided that his jumparoo is boring, and wants to be out and exploring around the house.  The main floor is not very baby friendly, so we are grateful we have a bonus room upstairs that we can shut the door and let him play and explore with out too much worry.

His taste buds are getting used to fruit because he doesn't make as many funny faces.  We have been getting fresh local peaches, and we made him some baby food, but he also likes to take a bite of our peaches when we are eating them.  He practically attacks the peaches, and tries to get as much in his mouth as he can...we have to be careful he doesn't take too much though.

He's starting to get his little boy face too, although he still has cute kissable chubby cheeks.  His new little boy face also comes with 2 more teeth coming in on top and also his little boy personality that is forming.  He is a lot more sensitive to sounds and tones.  If something is loud or scary, or if we have a certain tone in our voice he can sense it and his lip will start to quiver and he'll cry.  He often will look to us for reassurance.  

The other milestone that he had this week that made our hearts soar was he started to sign.  I was feeding him his milk a few days ago, and he was moving his fist, and I thought it was a new thing he was doing randomly, until I realized that it was the sign for milk!!  Mike started doing the sign again, and then Liam did it back.  He has done it several times since, and now we are excited to start teaching him more signs.

Liam LOVES our dogs, and the dogs love him too, especially Gretchen.  We were most concerned about Gretchen because she doesn't do well with strangers, but she has been nothing but sweet with Liam from day 1.  Gretchen likes to keep watch from our bonus room window, which is low to the floor and Liam likes to use the window sill as a walking perch, so they enjoy looking outside together from that window.  He also found Gretchen's tags quite interesting.  He will point and grab her tag and try to put her collar in his mouth, and she will just lick him silly.  They are sooo cute together!!

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