Monday, September 24, 2007

25 Weeks and Counting

This week Liam is about 13.5 inches, and weighs about 1.5 lbs. He's going to start to fill out now, which means I'm gunna be getting even bigger! Sometimes I look at myself and think I'm soo big, but other times I think I'm not THAT big for being 6 months pregnant. His growth is checked at the Dr.'s once a month, and he is growing just right, which is a relief because I'm a semi-vegetarian. I say semi because I do eat fish on occasion. Since I found out that I was pregnant, I struggled with whether I should start eating meat again. I stopped eating meat about 6-7 yrs ago, and the thought of starting up again was difficult. If I wasn't going to eat meat, I knew that I would need to increase my protein intake in other ways, so I decided that I would increase my dairy intake, start eating eggs, drinking lots of soy milk, and snacking on nuts, mostly in the form of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I make sure I take my tums, which is a calcium supplement and my prenatal multi-vitamin everyday. And as far as fresh fruits and vegetables, I enjoy making juice with my juicer. And I've also cut down on sweets and junk food. I do feel that I've made a conscience effort to make sure I'm eating enough of the right stuff for a healthy baby. At times I do feel I should be better about it, but I know I'm not perfect. And I figure that what I am eating is certainly better than some of the cravings others get, like sardines with ice cream or drinking bleach?!

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