Thursday, September 20, 2007

So Much To Do, So Little Time

Do you ever get that feeling where you have so much to do, that you just feel overwhelmed? I have been feeling that lately, mainly because we have been moved from the Town House for a few weeks now, but we aren't completely moved out, or completely moved in?! After a full day of work, I stop by the Town House on the way home to get the mail, and to pick up a small load of stuff....Oy the never ending stuff....It's just so hard to believe how much stuff 2 people can collect over the years. It really is me though, I'm the guilty pack rat...I get it from my mom...If it were up to Mike, he would just throw it all away...I just have this thing where I have a hard time parting with things. I think, well one day I might need this. Then after I get home, I have to unload the car, find places for all the stuff, then I need to let the dogs by one because we don't have our fence up yet! Thankfully we have ordered it, but they are 2 months behind schedule, so we won't be getting it till November! By the time I have let them all out, I'm completely exhausted, but still feel like I need to do more, like make and/or help with dinner, unpack some stuff, tidy the kitchen, do some yoga, do some weeding, pick up dog crap in the yard, or nag Mike about calling our old neighbor to get a move on getting a bid for fixing the damage to the complex?! The year is slipping by me, and we still have soooo much to do before the baby comes! One major one being getting the Town House clean and fixed up to sell. Especially because making 2 mortgage payments really just sucks! So, guess what we'll be doing this weekend?!

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