Friday, May 23, 2008

Liam is 24 Weeks

Now that Liam can roll over, he does it with ease. Although sometimes he will roll from his back to his tummy and then get frustrated and cry. We think he either has forgotten that he knows how to roll back, or he really wants to crawl, but can't yet. When he was learning to roll over, we noticed that he didn't 'talk' as much, but this week he has started to 'talk' more again. Instead of saying different sounds in a row, he will try to sound out stuff, like he will say “buh” over and over. Sometimes he will get quiet, and you can tell he's just trying really hard to concentrate on what he wants to say next. Towards the end of the week, he started to get really fussy, and he started to chew on things with more intensity, so we figured he has started to teethe! For the longest time, we have been waiting for him to laugh, and it seems it was one of those things that happened gradually. Earlier he had a squeal that was somewhat like a laugh, but we weren't sure if it was or not. But this week, when he started to get fussy, I mimicked his face and sounds, and he stopped, a bit confused, and smiled and laughed at me. He also has started to be ticklish, and will laugh when we lightly tickle his underarms. He is officially out of his size 2 diapers and onto size 3! He's just growing so fast!

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