Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Park City Art Festival

So there is this art festival in Park City every August, and we go every year. It seems most people that go just like to browse...we go to buy. For the first several years we have liked the ceramic pottery, and usually bought something in that medium. After a while we ran out of horizontal space, and decided we should start buying prints for the vertical space. We really like the mixed media, and have several that we love. Since we will be moving, we were excited because we will have more space to display all our previous art work that has been shuffled off to the office for storage. Plus we were also excited to buy some new stuff. Sadly, this year we just didn't find much that caught our eye. I think partly it is because we haven't moved in yet, so we haven't had a chance to find the right spot for our current pieces, so buying a new piece for a house you haven't moved into is a bit difficult. Usually we buy a few things at the festival, but needless to say, this year we ended up with one piece. This piece was something that we really wanted to find...something cute for the baby's room. It is titled: “I hid snacks in my pocket for the ride” by Lisa Kattenbraker

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